Using Sidequest Decks for a Hex Crawl

A sample Sidequest.
A sample sidequest. (Click to enlarge.)

Yesterday we shared a video tutorial on utilizing Sidequest Decks for a Hex Crawl specifically focusing on our Desert Outpost Sidequest Deck, a part of our newly launched Fantasy & NPC Sidequest Decks Kickstarter campaign.

For those who prefer written content over videos, we’ve distilled the key points for constructing a Hex Crawl centered around Sidequests:

  1. Deck Selection: Start by selecting a Sidequest Deck that aligns with your campaign setting. For instance, if you’re planning a desert-themed adventure, the Desert Outpost Sidequest Deck is ideal. Our Kickstarter also offers Tavern, Castle, & Mini-Lairs Sidequest decks, versatile options suitable for various fantasy settings. In the past, we’ve successfully created Sidequest Decks for Coastal Towns, Arcane Academies, Science Fiction, Lovecraftian horror, and more.
  2. Choosing Sidequests: Begin by skimming the introductory sentences of multiple sidequest cards to identify ones that may fit your current campaign or situation.
  3. Getting the PCs Involved: Focus on the “Getting the PCs Involved” section of the selected card to generate ideas for incorporating the sidequest into your campaign. It could involve a local armorer recognizing the potential of the PCs for a scout mission. Feel free to adapt or invent ideas to better suit your campaign as you explore the entire card.  These will be rumors you’ll spread about town.

    Note: Some cards may have more proactive starts, like a creature biting a PC. Keep a few of these on standby in case your players are passive. But you can also easily rework these proactive starts to be less active beginnings, such as the PCs hearing about a healer struggling with an unusual bite on another NPC.

  4. Map Placement: Determine where each sidequest will take place on your map, be it a town map or a broader area map, and designate suitable locations for them.
  5. Rumor Mill: During your game session, introduce players to the sidequest rumors through interactions with NPCs. If the players show little interest or take things too slowly, utilize a card with a compelling jump-start to push them into action.
  6. Resolution and Consequences: As the PCs complete each sidequest, consider the repercussions for the unresolved sidequests. Will rival adventurers rescue a captured NPC and gain fame, or will the ransom payment strengthen a group of bandits? These decisions can add depth to your campaign world.

Sidequest Decks are a versatile tool that can form the foundation of an engaging hex-crawl campaign. Each deck provides an approximately 200-word outline, offering a framework for a short adventure while allowing ample room for GMs to tailor the quest to their campaign and the actions of the PCs.