All About DungeonMorphs

A few folks have asked for a video explaining DungeonMorphs and before you knew it, it was almost half an hour!  They started as a Kickstarter for 5 dice with Dungeon designs on them in 2011–and it was one of the top 20 Kickstarters that year at a little over $20,000 because Kickstarters was sort of still just starting.  Originally,  as map-making play aids for tabletop role-playing games like Dungeons & Dragons, but more and more was added to give them more uses.

The latest generation of DungeonMorphs
The latest generation of DungeonMorphs (book & 10″ tiles not pictured).

That first Kickstarter was for 5 dungeon themed 1″ dice with engraved designs, which would become our “Adventurer” set.  But thanks to stretch goals, we added two more dice sets (Explorer & Spellunker–the latter being cavern designs instead of dungeons) and a deck of cards with the designs from all 3 dice sets in an “Old School Blue” style. The dice are all themed with a letter code on each side and of course they can be used as regular six sided dice.  Not all the sides necessarily fit the theme–sometimes we have some extra variety to balance the designs overall.  But most will fit the die’s theme.  The die themes are listed on the package.

Also note that the dice are now revised from the originals.  Now the filled areas have a stonework pattern instead of the original angled lines pattern.  And now the dice have been re-issued in colors, but for these Adventurer, Explorer, & Spellunker sets we still have them in white too.

A couple years after those sets, we went outside the dungeon to make three new sets of 5 dice each: Cities, Ruined Cities, & Villages.  Again, these were just map-making tools.  We also made a deck of all 90 2.5″x2.5″ designs from all three sets of dice as well as a set of 6″ cards. The dice in white are now out of stock, but we do have them in colors.

After those, we went back to the dungeons & caverns with a three new sets of 6 dice each: Delver (caverns), Trailblazer (dungeons), and Voyager (more dungeons).  Note that the Voyager set is a five dice set plus one extra bonus random die from any dungeon or cavern set.  We also made a deck of 2.5″x2.5″ cards with all three dice sets’ designs.  But for this project we added a 10″x10″ battlemat set (now out of print) and a 6″x9″ book where each design from the three dice sets (or card deck) gets a page or page and a half of ideas of what might be there.

Finally, in 2022 we Kickstarted 3 new dice sets: Crypts, Lairs, and Sewers.  Thanks to stretch goals, these are eight dice each.  The sewers have a sewer line in the center of some many edges.  So when rolling a random sewer system, you may need to rotate some or re-roll some (your choice) so these sides connect to each other.  For these sets of dice, we made the deck of cards in two styles: “Old school blue” and a set in the B&W cross-hashing pattern by Dyson Logos.  Due to the number of designs, which our other 2.5″x2.5″ cards have a mirrored version of the front on the back of the card, these have the next design from the set on the back.

And with these new Crypts, Lairs, & Sewers sets we also made a set of 10″x10″ battlemats that are still “in print” as well as a larger book of design descriptions where every design gets a full 8.5″x11″ page that includes six ideas for multiple parts of each design.  Plus a framework for using the designs in a co-op or solo way with no/little game prep required and a few scenarios using the framework.