Oodles of Free Maps!
We’ve just finished adding more of the Inkwell Ideas Sidequest Decks’ maps to our website as free downloads! This is a great resource if you want to use them in a VTT or if you want to print them. (But because they were originally meant to be used as cards, they may look pixelated if printed at full page size.)
And even if you’re not using our Sidequests, the diversity of the maps means we’ve likely got something to fit any quest location you need for your own adventures: a noble’s rooms in a castle, a desert shrine, many taverns, a small dungeon, parts of a large dungeon, a space ship, a lunar outpost, a mysterious forest, and a scientific research base are just a few examples spanning many genres.
Further, many of the new maps (from our Monster Hunts, Coastal Town Quests, Frontier Town Quests, Pulp Adventures, Desert Quests, Tavern Quests, Castle Quests, & 5 Challenge Lairs) have Worldographer map files which you can use to edit the maps in Worldographer.
As of this moment 13 of our 19 decks have their maps posted, and we’ll work on getting the rest done this month.