Restless Encounters Crowdfunding Now

We’ve been hard at work on another deck of cards–this one gives you over 50 (one per card) encounter ideas for when the PCs in your tabletop RPG campaign make camp and are resting. How often as a GM does your party make camp, set some watches, then you roll for a chance of a random encounter, get one according to the dice gods… only to have at best a chart of a handful of encounter ideas like “pack of giant rats” and “orc patrol”?
With our Restless Encounters deck, you’ll have a deck of 50 engaging encounter ideas that occur during a night’s watch: NPCs approaching camp have agendas, potential foes do more than just a direct attack, and weather, astronomy, magic, or geology may play a key role. And while the encounter ideas can feed into your campaign, they won’t sidetrack your adventure.
Each card has an encounter outline on one side (the setup, how the NPCs or foes may react, nuances that may play into the encounter, other events that may occur, etc.) and the other side has a picture of the foe/NPC or a key picture about the encounter or a campsite map.
See samples and back the project on BackerKit’s Crowdfunding site.