Four New Elementals for ShadowDark

We’re starting a new series of ShadowDark creatures with a few Elementals.  As with the core (Air, Earth, Fire, Water) elementals, lesser versions of these elementals are LV 6 and their slam deals 2 dice of damage. Greater Elementals are LV 9 and their slam deals 3 dice of damage.

Ice Elemental

Ice Elemental
Ice Elemental

AC 15, HP *, ATK 3 slam +6 (*d10) or 1 freeze, MV near, S +4, D +3, C +3, I -2, W +1, Ch -2, AL N, LV *
Impervious. Only damaged by magical sources. Cold Immune.
Freeze. One target within near: DC 15 DEX or 3d6 damage and frozen (as petrified). DC 15 Dex check on each turn to break free.

Lightning Elemental

Lightning Elemental
Lightning Elemental

AC 15, HP *, ATK 3 slam +6 (*d10) or 1 Chain Lightning, MV near (fly), S +4, D +3, C +3, I -2, W +1, Ch -2, AL N, LV *
Impervious. Only damaged by magical sources. Electricity Immune.
Chain Lightning. 1d6 targets within near DC 15 DEX or 3d6 damage.

Magma Elemental

Magma Elemental
Magma Elemental

AC 15, HP *, ATK 3 slam +6 (*d10) or 1 Erupt, MV near, S +4, D +3, C +3, I -2, W +1, Ch -2, AL N, LV *
Impervious. Only damaged by magical sources. Fire Immune.
Erupt. All within near DC 13 DEX or 3d6 damage, then 2d6 damage on second round, 1d6 damage on third round.

Mud Elemental

Mud Elemental
Mud Elemental

AC 16, HP *, ATK 3 slam +7 (*d8) or 1 Mudball, MV near (burrow), S +5, D +0, C +4, I -2, W +1, Ch -2, AL N, LV *
Impervious. Only damaged by magical sources.
Mudball. 1d6 targets within near DC 15 DEX or 3d6 damage and slowed: on each turn victim can attack OR move. DC 15 Dex check on each turn to break free