Inkwell Ideas will be at Gen Con – Booth #263

Our booth has moved!  Originally we were in a 10×20 corner booth (2 sides facing the public) but we were able to upgrade to a 10×20 booth with 3 sides facing our favorite people–you! The new booth number is 263.

We’ll have a bunch of new and new-ish stuff at Gen Con!

  • Our latest Kickstarter, Restless Encounters, will be delivered to backers about 10 days before Gen Con. So we’ll be able to sell them at the con too! Each of these cards is a dynamic encounter for when the party makes camp and is resting. If you’re not going to be at Gen Con you can still pre-order them for another week or two.
  • Also as part of that Kickstarter we updated our Encounter Builder decks (City, Dungeon, & Wilderness) and we’ll have the slightly revised versions at Gen Con.  Use several of these art cards to imagine an encounter setup–similar to a Tarot reading.
  • Back in March we delivered our prior Kickstarter for four new Sidequest decks (5 Challenge Quests, Castle Quests, Desert Quests, and Tavern Quests) and four matching NPC decks.  This will be our first convention with these decks available!  But if you can’t make it to Gen Con, you can order them from our on-line store.
Our booth at PAX unplugged last December.
Our booth at PAX unplugged last December.

We love to hear how you’re using our various GM resources and of course want to tell you more about all of it!