Hex Minimap Tiles Project & Sample

Inkwell Ideas is excited to work again with Dyson Logos this time on a set of hex minimap tiles! Below is a sample map we’ve made using art from his Autumn Lands maps. You can get these tiles in a zip file here. Dyson will be creating a set of new custom tiles for our upcoming Hexploration Decks crowdfunding which will include a set of 50+ (depending on stretch goals) 3″x3.46″ hex minimap tiles (three 1″ hexes across).

The set is one part of the Hexploration Decks crowdfunding coming in the next few days/week. The other half is a collection of 4 decks of location generator cards–and possibly a 5th deck if the project hits another stretch goal. Most of the cards in the deck feature evocative art of a place (coastal city, barrow mound, swamp hut, magic tower, etc.) on one side, and charts of ideas for that place on the back. Some cards list extra themed (haunted, historic site, etc.) charts of ideas that can apply to the other cards. A handful of cards give advice on creating a player-drive campaign (hex crawl, sandbox, point crawl, etc.) The crowdfunding link above also has a link to download a 54 card sample deck!

25 Hex Minimaps combined into one map.
25 Hex Minimaps combined into one map.