Dungeons & Dragons 5e Monsters By Feature
Below you’ll find a list of which Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition System Reference Document (SRD) monsters have which abilities. We created this list to help guide which monsters’ components might be useful for creating magic items with various effects. (One of our new Sidequest Decks being Kickstarted now is ‘Monster Hunts’–you can pick sidequests to hunt monsters needed to create a magic item, among other reasons.) Therefore the list doesn’t include everything. Each creature’s Challenge Rating is in parentheses.
Caveats (What Isn’t Included)
- Abilities that are mostly skill-based (charge, surprise attack, etc.) and non-innate spellcasting wouldn’t be inherited via a part of a monster.
- It also doesn’t list abilities that are core to a creature’s anatomy which can’t be re-used (you’re not likely to use a purple worm’s maw to create a swallow whole item, but you may be able to make an item using a flying creature’s wings).
- Because the focus was on creating magic items, traits and abilities that are weaknesses (sunlight sensitivity for example) are also not included.
Where multiple creatures had abilities with related effects, we grouped them together. See the blindness section: creatures were added to this section whether the blindness is caused by spit, gaze, breath, or dust.
Aberrant Ground
- Gibbering Mouther (2)
Acid Absorption
- Golem, Clay (9)
Acid Damage
- Aboleth (10) – Tentacle
- Ankheg (2) – Bite, Acid Spray
- Behir (11) – Swallow
- Dragon, Black, All (21/14/7/2) – Bite, Acid Breath
- Dragon, Copper, All (21/14/7/1) – Acid Breath
- Kraken (23) – Bite
- Mimic (2) – Bite
- Ooze, Black Pudding (4) – Corrosive Form, Pseudopod
- Ooze, Gelatinous Cube (2) – Ooze Cube, Pseudopod, Engulf
- Ooze, Gray Ooze (1/2) – Pseudopod
- Ooze, Ochre Jelly (2) – Pseudopod
- Purple Worm (15) – Bite
- Remorhaz (11) – Swallow
- Tarrasque (30) – Swallow
- Mimic (2)
Air Form
- Elemental, Air (5)
- Mimic (2)
- Ooze, Black Pudding (4)
- Ooze, Gray Ooze (1/2)
- Ooze, Ochre Jelly (2)
- Shadow (1/2)
- Aboleth (10)
- Chuul (4)
- Dragon Turtle (17)
- Dragon, Black, All (21/14/7/2)
- Dragon, Bronze, All (22/15/8/2)
- Dragon, Gold, All (24/17/10/3)
- Dragon, Green, All (22/15/8/2)
- Giant, Storm (13)
- Hag, Green (3)
- Hag, Sea (5)
- Kraken (23)
- Merfolk (1/8)
- Merrow (2)
- Sahuagin (1/2) – Limited Amphibiousness
Angelic weapons
- Angel, Deva (10)
- Angel, Planetar (16)
- Angel, Solar (21)
Animated Objects
- Angel, Solar (21) – Flying Sword
- Animated Object, Animated Armor (1)
- Animated Object, Flying Sword (1/4)
- Animated Object, Rug of Smothering (2)
- Devil, Chain (8) – Animate Chains
- Treant (9) – Animate Trees
- Azer (2) – Heated Body, Heated Weapons
- Darkmantle (1/2) – Darkness Aura
- Demon, Balor (19) – Fire Aura
- Devil, Pit Fiend (20) – Fear Aura
- Remorhaz (11) – Heated Body
- Salamander (5) – Heated Body
- Devil, Barbed (5) – Barbed Hide
Barkskin (innate spell)
- Dryad (1)
Blade Barrier (innate spell)
- Angel, Planetar (16)
Bless (innate spell)
- Couatl (4)
- Angel, Solar (21) – Blinding Gaze
- Gibbering Mouther (2) – Blinding Spittle
- Mephit, Dust (1/2) – Blinding Breath
- Mummy Lord (15) – Blinding Dust
Blindness/Deafness (innate spell)
- Gnome, Deep (Svirfneblin) (1/2)
- Animated Object, Animated Armor (1)
- Animated Object, Flying Sword (1/4)
- Animated Object, Rug of Smothering (2)
- Darkmantle (1/2)
- Devil, Ice (14)
- Dragon, Black, All (21/14/7/2)
- Dragon, Blue, All (23/16/9/3)
- Dragon, Brass, All (20/13/6/1)
- Dragon, Bronze, All (22/15/8/2)
- Dragon, Copper, All (21/14/7/1)
- Dragon, Gold, All (24/17/10/3)
- Dragon, Green, All (22/15/8/2)
- Dragon, Red, All (24/17/10/4)
- Dragon, Silver, All (23/16/9/2)
- Dragon, White, All (20/13/6/2)
- Fungi, Shrieker (0)
- Fungi, Violet Fungus (1/4)
- Grimlock (1/4)
- Ooze, Black Pudding (4)
- Ooze, Gelatinous Cube (2)
- Ooze, Gray Ooze (1/2)
- Ooze, Ochre Jelly (2)
- Pseudodragon (1/4)
- Purple Worm (15)
- Shambling Mound (5)
- Shield Guardian (7)
- Tarrasque (30)
- Ankheg (2)
- Dragon, Blue, All (23/16/9/3)
- Dragon, Brass, All (20/13/6/1)
- Dragon, White, All (20/13/6/2)
- Elemental, Earth (5)
- Purple Worm (15)
- Remorhaz (11)
- Xorn (5)
Blood Drain
- Stirge (1/8)
Blood Frenzy
- Sahuagin (1/2)
Blur (innate spell)
- Gnome, Deep (Svirfneblin) (1/2)
- Mephit, Steam (1/4)
Calm Emotions (innate spell)
- Unicorn (5)
Change Shape
- Angel, Deva (10)
- Couatl (4)
- Dragon, Brass, Ancient (20)
- Dragon, Bronze, Ancient/Adult (22/15)
- Dragon, Copper, Ancient (21)
- Dragon, Gold, Ancient/Adult (24/17)
- Dragon, Silver, Ancient/Adult (23/16)
- Hag, Night (5)
- Oni (7)
- Dryad (1) – Fey Charm
- Lamia (4) – charm person
- Oni (7) – charm person
- Rakshasa (13) – charm person
- Succubus/Incubus (4) – Charm
- Vampire (13) – Charm
- Behir (11)
- Dragon, Copper, All (21/14/7/1)
- Dragon, Red, All (24/17/10/4)
- Drider (6)
- Ettercap (2)
- Grick (2)
- Lycanthrope, Werebear (5)
- Ooze, Black Pudding (4)
- Ooze, Gray Ooze (1/2)
- Ooze, Ochre Jelly (2)
- Roper (5)
Cold Damage
- Devil, Ice (14) – Bite, Claws, Tail, wall of ice
- Dragon, Silver, All (23/16/9/2) – Cold Breath
- Dragon, White, All (20/13/6/2) – Bite, Cold Breath
- Lich (21) – Paralyzing Touch
- Mephit, Ice (1/2) – Claws, Frost Breath
Cone of Cold (innate spell)
- Oni (7)
Confusion (innate spell)
- Demon, Glabrezu (9)
Conjure Elemental (innate spell)
- Genie, Djinni (11) (air elemental only)
- Genie, Efreeti (11) (fire elemental only)
Consume Life
- Will-o’-Wisp (2)
Control Weather (innate spell)
- Angel, Planetar (16)
- Giant, Cloud (9)
- Giant, Storm (13)
Corrosive Form
- Ooze, Black Pudding (4)
Create Food & Water (innate spell)
- Couatl (4)
- Genie, Djinni (11)
Create Specter
- Wraith (5)
Creation (innate spell)
- Genie, Djinni (11)
Cure Wounds (innate spell)
- Couatl (4)
- Lamia (4) – Intoxicating Touch
- Lycanthrope, Werebear (5) – Bite
- Lycanthrope, Wereboar (4) – Tusks
- Lycanthrope, Wererat (2) – Bite
- Lycanthrope, Weretiger (4) – Bite
- Lycanthrope, Werewolf (3) – Bite
- Mummy (3) – Rotting Fist (Munny Rot)
- Mummy Lord (15) – Rotting Fist (Munny Rot)
- Rakshasa (13) – Claw
Dancing Lights (innate spell)
- Drider (6)
- Elf, Drow (1/4)
- Hag, Green (3)
Darkness (innate spell)
- Demon, Glabrezu (9)
- Drider (6)
- Elf, Drow (1/4)
- Oni (7)
- Aboleth (10)
- Angel, Deva (10)
- Ankheg (2)
- Basilisk (3)
- Behir (11)
- Bugbear (5)
- Bulette (5)
- Chimera (6)
- Chuul (4)
- Cloaker (8)
- Cockatrice (1/2)
- Demon, Dretch (1/4)
- Demon, Hezrou (8)
- Demon, Quasit (1)
- Demon, Vrock (6)
- Devil, Barbed (5)
- Devil, Bearded (3)
- Devil, Bone (9)
- Devil, Chain (8)
- Devil, Horned (11)
- Devil, Ice (14)
- Devil, Imp (1)
- Devil, Lemure (0)
- Doppelganger (3)
- Dragon Turtle (17)
- Dragon, Black, All (21/14/7/2)
- Dragon, Blue, All (23/16/9/3)
- Dragon, Brass, All (20/13/6/1)
- Dragon, Bronze, All (22/15/8/2)
- Dragon, Copper, All (21/14/7/1)
- Dragon, Gold, All (24/17/10/3)
- Dragon, Green, All (22/15/8/2)
- Dragon, Red, All (24/17/10/4)
- Dragon, Silver, All (23/16/9/2)
- Dragon, White, All (20/13/6/2)
- Drider (6)
- Dryad (1)
- Duergar (1)
- Elemental, Air (5)
- Elemental, Earth (5)
- Elemental, Fire (5)
- Elemental, Water (5)
- Elf, Drow (1/4)
- Ettercap (2)
- Ettin (4)
- Gargoyle (2)
- Genie, Djinni (11)
- Genie, Efreeti (11)
- Ghost (4)
- Ghoul (1)Ghoul, Ghast (2)
- Giant, Stone (7)
- Gibbering Mouther (2)
- Gnoll (1/2)
- Gnome, Deep (Svirfneblin) (1/2)
- Goblin (1/4)
- Golem, Clay (9)
- Golem, Flesh (5)
- Golem, Iron (16)
- Golem, Stone (10)
- Gorgon (5)
- Grick (2)
- Griffon (2)
- Hag, Green (3)
- Hag, Night (5)
- Hag, Sea (5)
- Hell Hound (3)
- Hobgoblin (1/2)
- Homunculus (0)
- Hydra (8)
- Invisible Stalker (6)
- Kobold (1/8)
- Lamia (4)
- Lycanthrope, Wererat (2)
- Lycanthrope, Weretiger (4)
- Magmin (1/2)
- Manticore (3)
- Medusa (6)
- Mephit, Dust (1/2)
- Mephit, Ice (1/2)
- Mephit, Magma (1/2)
- Mephit, Steam (1/4)
- Merrow (2)
- Mimic (2)
- Minotaur (3)
- Mummy (3)
- Mummy Lord (15)
- Naga, Guardian (10)
- Naga, Spirit (8)
- Ogre (2)
- Oni (7)
- Orc (1/2)
- Otyugh (5)
- Owlbear (3)
- Pseudodragon (1/4)
- Rakshasa (13)
- Remorhaz (11)
- Roper (5)
- Rust Monster (1/2)
- Sahuagin (1/2)
- Salamander (5)
- Shadow (1/2)
- Shield Guardian (7)
- Skeleton (1/4)
- Skeleton, Minotaur (2)
- Skeleton, Warhorse (1/2)
- Specter (1)
- Stirge (1/8)
- Succubus/Incubus (4)
- Troll (5)
- Unicorn (5)
- Vampire (13)
- Vampire Spawn (5)
- Wight (3)
- Will-o’-Wisp (2)
- Wraith (5)
- Wyvern (6)
- Xorn (5)
- Zombie (1/4)
- Zombie, Ogre (2)
Death Burst/Throes
- Demon, Balor (19) – Death Throes
- Magmin (1/2) – Death Burst
- Mephit, Dust (1/2) – Death Burst
- Mephit, Ice (1/2) – Death Burst
- Mephit, Magma (1/2) – Death Burst
- Mephit, Steam (1/4) – Death Burst
- Angel, Deva (10) – detect evil & good
- Angel, Planetar (16) – detect evil & good, Divine Awareness (Lies)
- Angel, Solar (21) – detect evil & good, Divine Awareness (Lies)
- Chuul (4) – Sense Magic
- Couatl (4) – detect evil & good, detect magic, detect thoughts
- Demon, Glabrezu (9) – detect magic
- Devil, Pit Fiend (20) – detect magic
- Doppelganger (3) – Read Thoughts
- Genie, Djinni (11) – detect evil & good, detect magic
- Genie, Efreeti (11) – detect magic
- Giant, Cloud (9) – detect magic
- Giant, Storm (13) – detect magic
- Hag, Night (5) – detect magic
- Rakshasa (13) – detect magic, detect thoughts
- Sprite (1/4) – Heart Sight (Emotions)
- Unicorn (5) – detect evil & good, detect magic
- Xorn (5) – Treasure Sense
- Aboleth (10) – Mucous Cloud, Tentacle
Disguise Self (innate spell)
- Gnome, Deep (Svirfneblin) (1/2)
- Lamia (4)
- Rakshasa (13)
Dispel Evil & Good (innate spell)
- Angel, Planetar (16)
- Couatl (4)
- Unicorn (5)
Dispel Magic (innate spell)
- Demon, Glabrezu (9)
Dominate Person (innate spell)
- Rakshasa (13)
Dream (innate spell)
- Couatl (4)
Druidcraft (innate spell)
- Dryad (1)
- Unicorn (5)
Earth Glide
- Xorn (5)
- Genie, Efreeti (11) – enlarge/reduce
- Duergar (1) – Enlarge
Entangle (innate spell)
- Dryad (1)
- Unicorn (5)
- Darkmantle (1/2)
- Ghost (4)
- Hag, Night (5)
- Nightmare (3) – Ethereal Stride
- Succubus/Incubus (4)
Faerie Fire (innate spell)
- Drider (6)
- Elf, Drow (1/4)
False Appearance
- Animated Object, Animated Armor (1)
- Animated Object, Flying Sword (1/4)
- Animated Object, Rug of Smothering (2)
- Cloaker (8)
- Darkmantle (1/2)
- Fungi, Shrieker (0)
- Fungi, Violet Fungus (1/4)
- Gargoyle (2)
- Mephit, Ice (1/2)
- Mephit, Magma (1/2)
- Mimic (2)
- Ooze, Gray Ooze (1/2)
- Roper (5)
- Treant (9)
Faultless Tracker
- Invisible Stalker (6)
Feather Fall (innate spell)
- Giant, Cloud (9)
- Giant, Storm (13)
Fey Ancestry
- Drider (6)
- Elf, Drow (1/4)
Fire Damage
- Angel, Planetar (16) – flame strike
- Angel, Solar (21) – Searing Burst
- Azer (2) – Heated Body, Heated Weapons, Warhammer
- Chimera (6) – Fire Breath
- Demon, Balor (19) – Death Throes, Fire Aura, Whip
- Devil, Barbed (5) – Hurl Flame
- Devil, Horned (11) – Hurl Flame
- Devil, Pit Fiend (20) – fireball, Mace, wall of fire
- Dragon Turtle (17) – Steam Breath
- Dragon, Brass, All (20/13/6/1) – Fire Breath
- Dragon, Gold, All (24/17/10/3) – Fire Breath
- Dragon, Red, All (24/17/10/4) – Bite, Fire Breath
- Elemental, Fire (5) – Fire Form, Touch
- Genie, Efreeti (11) – Scimitar, Hurl Flame, wall of fire
- Hell Hound (3) – Bite, Fire Breath
- Magmin (1/2) – Death Burst, Touch
- Mephit, Magma (1/2) – Death Burst, Claws, Fire Breath
- Mephit, Steam (1/4) – Death Burst, Claws, Fire Breath
- Nightmare (3) – Hooves
- Remorhaz (11) – Heated Body, Bite
- Salamander (5) – Heated Body, Heated Weapons, Spear, Tail
Fire Absorption
- Golem, Iron (5)
- Angel, Deva (10)
- Angel, Planetar (16)
- Angel, Solar (21)
- Animated Object, Flying Sword (1/4)
- Chimera (6)
- Cloaker (8)
- Cockatrice (1/2)
- Couatl (4)
- Darkmantle (1/2)
- Demon, Balor (19)
- Demon, Glabrezu (9)
- Demon, Nalfeshnee (13)
- Demon, Vrock (6)
- Devil, Bone (9)
- Devil, Erinyes (12)
- Devil, Horned (11)Devil, Imp (1)
- Devil, Pit Fiend (20)
- Dragon, Black, All (21/14/7/2)
- Dragon, Blue, All (23/16/9/3)
- Dragon, Brass, All (20/13/6/1)
- Dragon, Bronze, All (22/15/8/2)
- Dragon, Copper, All (21/14/7/1)
- Dragon, Gold, All (24/17/10/3)
- Dragon, Green, All (22/15/8/2)
- Dragon, Red, All (24/17/10/4)
- Dragon, Silver, All (23/16/9/2)
- Dragon, White, All (20/13/6/2)
- Elemental, Air (5)
- Gargoyle (2)
- Genie, Djinni (11)
- Genie, Efreeti (11)
- Ghost (4)
- Giant, Cloud (9)
- Griffon (2)
- Harpy (1)
- Hippogriff (1)
- Homunculus (0)
- Invisible Stalker (6)
- Manticore (3)
- Mephit, Dust (1/2)
- Mephit, Ice (1/2)
- Mephit, Magma (1/2)
- Mephit, Steam (1/4)
- Nightmare (3)
- Oni (7)
- Pegasus (2)
- Pseudodragon (1/4)
- Rakshasa (13)
- Roc (11)
- Specter (1)
- Sphinx, Androsphinx (17)
- Sphinx, Gynosphinx (11)
- Sprite (1/4)
- Stirge (1/8)
- Succubus/Incubus (4)
- Will-o’-Wisp (2)
- Wraith (5)
- Wyvern (6)
Fog Cloud (innate spell)
- Giant, Cloud (9)
- Mephit, Ice (1/2)
Freedom of Movement
- Kraken (23)
- Cloaker (8) – Moan
- Demon, Nalfeshnee (13) – Horror Nimbus
- Demon, Quasit (1) – Scare
- Devil, Chain (8) – Unnerving Mask
- Devil, Pit Fiend (20) – Fear Aura
- Dragon, Black, Ancient/Adult (21/14) – Frightful Presence
- Dragon, Blue, Ancient/Adult (23/16) – Frightful Presence
- Dragon, Brass, Ancient/Adult (20/13) – Frightful Presence
- Dragon, Bronze, Ancient/Adult (22/15) – Frightful Presence
- Dragon, Copper, Anceint/Adult (21/14) – Frightful Presence
- Dragon, Gold, Ancient/Adult (24/17) – Frightful Presence
- Dragon, Green, Ancient/Adult (22/15) – Frightful Presence
- Dragon, Red, Ancient/Adult (24/17) – Frightful Presence
- Dragon, Silver, Ancient/Adult (23/16) – Frightful Presence
- Dragon, White, Ancient/Adult (20/13) – Frightful Presence
- Ghost (4) – Horrifying Visage
- Hag, Sea (5) – Horrific Appearance
- Lich (21) – Frightening Gaze
- Mummy (3) – Dreadful Glare
- Mummy Lord (15) – Dreadful Glare
- Sphinx, Androsphinx (17) – Roar
- Tarrasque (30) – Frightful Presence
Gaseous Form
- Genie, Djinni (11) – gaseous form
- Genie, Efreeti (11) – gaseous form
- Giant, Cloud (9) – gaseous form
- Vampire (13) – Misty Escape
Geas (innate spell)
- Lamia (4)
- Oni (7)
- Gibbering Mouther (2)
Gnome Cunning
- Gnome, Deep (Svirfneblin) (1/2)
Goodberry (innate spell)
- Dryad (1)
- Golem, Clay (9)
Healing Touch
- Angel, Deva (10)
- Angel, Planetar (16)
- Angel, Solar (21)
- Unicorn (5)
Heat Metal
- Mephit, Magma (1/2)
Hellish Weapons
- Devil, Erinyes (12)
Hold Breath
- Hydra (8)
- Lizardfolk (1/2)
Hold Monster (innate spell)
- Devil, Pit Fiend (20)
Ice Walk
- Dragon, White, Ancient/Adult/Young (20/13/6)
Illusion Duplicates
- Cloaker (8) – Phantasms
- Azer (2)
- Elemental, Fire (5)
- Magmin (1/2)
- Nightmare (3)
- Will-o’-Wisp (2)
Immutable Form
- Golem, Clay (9)
- Golem, Flesh (5)
- Golem, Iron (16)
- Golem, Stone (10)
Immunity: Fright
- Devil Bearded (3) – Steadfast
Immunity, Magic, Limited
- Rakshasa (13)
Incorporeal Movement
- Ghost (4)
- Specter (1)
- Will-o’-Wisp (2)
- Wraith (5)
Infernal Wounds
- Devil Bearded (3) – Glaive
- Devil, Horned (11) – Tail
Ink Cloud
- Kraken (23)
- Sphinx, Androsphinx (17)
- Sphinx, Gynosphinx (11)
Insect Plague
- Angel, Planetar (16)
Invisibility (some are innate spells)
- Demon, Quasit (1)
- Devil, Imp (1)
- Duergar (1)
- Genie, Djinni (11)
- Genie, Efreeti (11)
- Invisible Stalker (6)
- Oni (7)
- Rakshasa (13)
- Sphinx, Gynosphinx (11)
- Sprite (1/4)
- Will-o’-Wisp (2)
Iron Scent
- Rust Monster (1/2)
Keen Hearing and Smell
- Grimlock (1/4)
- Hell Hound (3)
- Lycanthrope, Weretiger (4)
- Lycanthrope, Werewolf (3)
Keen Sight
- Griffon (2)
- Hippogriff (1)
- Roc (11)
Labyrinthine Recall
- Minotaur (3)
Legendary Resistance
- Dragon, Black, Ancient/Adult (21/14)
- Dragon, Blue, Ancient/Adult (23/16)
- Dragon, Brass, Ancient/Adult (20/13)
- Dragon, Bronze, Ancient/Adult (22/15)
- Dragon, Copper, Ancient/Adult (21/14)
- Dragon, Gold, Ancient/Adult (24/17)
- Dragon, Green, Ancient/Adult (22/15)
- Dragon, Red, Ancient/Adult (24/17)
- Dragon, Silver, Ancient/Adult (23/16)
- Dragon, White, Ancient/Adult (20/13)
- Lich (21)
- Tarrasque (30)
- Vampire (13)
Levitate (innate spell)
- Giant, Storm (13)
Life Drain
- Specter (1)
- Wight (3)
- Wraith (5)
Light (innate spell)
- Giant, Cloud (9)
- Giant, Storm (13)
- Behir (11) – Lightning Breath
- Demon, Balor (19) – Longsword
- Dragon, Blue, All (23/16/9/3) – Bite, Lightning Breath
- Dragon, Bronze, All (22/15/8/2) – Lightning Breath
- Genie, Djinni (11) – Scimitar
- Giant, Storm (13) – Lightning Strike
- Kraken (23) – Lightning Storm
- Will-o’-Wisp (2) – Shock
Lightning Absorption
- Golem, Flesh (5)
- Shambling Mound (5)
Mage Hand (innate spell)
- Rakshasa (13)
Magic Missile (innate spell)
- Hag, Night (5)
Magic Resistance
- Angel, Deva (10)
- Angel, Planetar (16)
- Angel, Solar (21)
- Demon, Balor (19)
- Demon, Glabrezu (9)
- Demon, Hezrou (8)
- Demon, Marilith (16)
- Demon, Nalfeshnee (13)
- Demon, Quasit (1)
- Demon, Vrock (6)
- Devil, Barbed (5)
- Devil, Bearded (3)
- Devil, Bone (9)
- Devil, Chain (8)
- Devil, Erinyes (12)
- Devil, Horned (11)
- Devil, Ice (14)
- Devil, Imp (1)
- Devil, Pit Fiend (20)
- Dryad (1)
- Golem, Clay (9)
- Golem, Flesh (5)
- Golem, Iron (16)
- Golem, Stone (10)
- Hag, Night (5)
- Mummy Lord (15)
- Pseudodragon (1/4)
- Satyr (1/2)
- Tarrasque (30)
- Unicorn (5)
Magic Weapons
- Couatl (4)
- Demon, Balor (19)
- Demon, Marilith (16)
- Devil, Pit Fiend (20)
- Golem, Clay (9)
- Golem, Flesh (5)
- Golem, Iron (16)
- Golem, Stone (10)
- Oni (7)
- Sphinx, Androsphinx (17)
- Sphinx, Gynosphinx (11)
- Unicorn (5)
Major Image (innate spell)
- Genie, Djinni (11)
- Genie, Efreeti (11)
- Lamia (4)
- Rakshasa (13)
- Hag, Green (3)
Minor Illusion (innate spell)
- Hag, Green (3)
- Rakshasa (13)
Mirror Image (innate spell)
- Lamia (4)
Misty Step (innate spell)
- Giant, Cloud (9)
- Fungi, Violet Fungus (1/4) – Rotting Touch
- Ghost (4) – Withering Touch
- Lich (21) – Disrupt Life
- Mummy (3) – Rotting Fist
- Mummy Lord (15) – Rotting Fist
- Shadow (1/2) – Strength Drain
- Specter (1) – Life Drain
- Vampire (13) – Bite
- Vampire Spawn (5) – Bite
- Wight (3) – Life Drain
- Wraith (5) – Life Drain
Nightmare Haunting
- Hag, Night (5)
Nondetection (innate spell)
- Gnome, Deep (Svirfneblin) (1/2)
- Chuul (4) – Tentacle
- Dragon, Silver, All (23/16/9/2) – Paralyzing Breath
- Ghoul (1) – Claws
- Ghoul, Ghast (2) – Claws
- Lich (21) – Paralyzing Touch
- Mummy (3) – Dreadful Glare
- Mummy Lord (15) – Dreadful Glare
- Sphinx, Androsphinx (17) – Roar
Pass Without Trace (innate spell)
- Dryad (1)
- Unicorn (5)
- Basilisk (3) – Petrifying Gaze
- Cockatrice (1/2) – Bite
- Gorgon (5) – Petrifying Breath
- Medusa (6) – Petrifying Gaze
Plane Shift (innate spell)
- Genie, Djinni (11)
- Genie, Efreeti (11)
- Hag, Night (5)
- Rakshasa (13)
Poison Damage
- Basilisk (3) – Bite
- Chuul (4) – Tentacle
- Couatl (4) – Bite
- Demon, Dretch (1/4) – Fetid Cloud
- Demon, Hezrou (8) – Stench
- Demon, Quasit (1) – Claws
- Demon, Vrock (6) – Spores
- Devil, Bearded (3) – Beard
- Devil, Bone (9) – Sting
- Devil, Erinyes (12) – Hellish Weapons
- Devil, Imp (1) – Sting
- Devil, Pit Fiend (20) – Bite
- Dragon, Green, All (22/15/8/2) – Bite, Poison Breath
- Drider (6) – Bite
- Ettercap (2) – Bite
- Ghoul, Ghast (2) – Stench
- Golem, Iron (16) – Poison Breath
- Homunculus (0) – Bite
- Kraken (23) – Ink Cloud
- Medusa (6) – Snake Hair
- Naga, Guardian (10) – Bite, Spit Poison
- Naga, Spirit (8) – Bite
- Otyugh (5) – Bite
- Pseudodragon (1/4) – Sting
- Purple Worm (15) – Tail Stinger
- Wyvern (6) – Stinger
- Ghost (4)
Power Word Stun (innate spell)
- Demon, Glabrezu (9)
Protection From Poison (innate spell)
- Couatl (4)
Psychic Damage
- Aboleth (10) – Psychic Drain
- Devil, Chain (8) – Animate Chains
- Succubus/Incubus (4) – Draining Kiss
Push Away
- Dragon, Bronze, All (22/15/8/2) – Repulsion Breath
- Elemental, Air (5) – Whirlwind
- Genie, Djinni (11) – Create Whirlwind
- Kraken (23) – Fling
Raise Dead (innate spell)
- Angel, Deva (10)
Ray of Enfeeblement (innate spell)
- Hag, Night (5)
- Oni (7)
- Hydra (8) – Multiple Heads
- Shield Guardian (7)
- Troll (5)
- Vampire (13)
- Vampire Spawn (5)
- Mummy Lord (15)
- Naga, Guardian (10)
- Naga, Spirit (8)
Resistances (special)
- Duergar (1) – Duergar Resilience
- Nightmare (3) – Confer Fire Resistance
- Tarrasque (30) – Reflective Carapace (magic)
Restoration (innate spell)
- Couatl (4) (lesser & greater)
Rock Catching
- Giant, Stone (7)
Rust Metal
- Rust Monster (1/2)
Sanctuary (innate spell)
- Couatl (4)
Save or Die Effects
- Angel, Solar (21) – Slaying Longbow
- Hag, Sea (2)
Scrying (innate spell)
- Couatl (4)
- Lamia (4)
Shadow Stealth
- Shadow (1/2)
- Demon, Quasit (1)
- Devil, Imp (1)
- Doppelganger (3)
- Lycanthrope, Werebear (5)
- Lycanthrope, Wereboar (4)
- Lycanthrope, Wererat (2)
- Lycanthrope, Weretiger (4)
- Lycanthrope, Werewolf (3)
- Mimic (2)
- Succubus/Incubus (4)
- Vampire (13)
- Couatl (4) – shield
- Unicorn (5) – Shimmering Shield
Shielded Mind
- Couatl (4)
Shillelagh (innate spell)
- Dryad (1)
Siege Monster
- Elemental, Earth (5)
- Kraken (23)
- Tarrasque (30)
- Treant (9)
- Dragon, Brass, All (20/13/6/1)
- Hag, Night (5) – sleep
- Mephit, Dust (1/2) – sleep
- Naga, Spirit (8) – sleep
- Oni (7) – sleep
Slow Effects
- Dragon, Copper, All (21/14/7/1) – Slowing Breath
- Golem, Stone (10) – Slow
Spell Storing
- Shield Guardian (7)
Spider Climb
- Drider (6) – spider climb
- Ettercap (2)
- Ooze, Black Pudding (4)
- Ooze, Ochre Jelly (2)
- Roper (5)
- Vampire (13)
- Vampire Spawn (5)
- Ooze, Black Pudding (4)
Stone Camouflage
- Giant, Stone (7)
- Gnome, Deep (Svirfneblin) (1/2)
- Grick (2)
- Xorn (5)
- Demon, Vrock (6) – Stunning Screech
- Mummy Lord (15) – Blasphemous Word
- Otyugh (5) – Tentacle Slam
Suggestion (innate spell)
- Lamia (4)
- Rakshasa (13)
- Aboleth (10)
- Chuul (4)
- Dinosaur, Plesiosaurus (2)
- Dragon Turtle (17)
- Dragon, Black, All (21/14/7/2)
- Dragon, Bronze, All (22/15/8/2)
- Dragon, Gold, All (24/17/10/3)
- Dragon, Green, All (22/15/8/2)
- Dragon, White, All (20/13/6/2)
- Elemental, Water (5)
- Giant, Storm (13)
- Gibbering Mouther (2)
- Hag, Sea (5)
- Hydra (8)
- Kraken (23)
- Lizardfolk (1/2)
- Merfolk (1/8)
- Merrow (2)
- Sahuagin (1/2)
- Shambling Mound (5)
Telekinesis (innate spell)
- Giant, Cloud (9)
- Aboleth (10)
- Angel, Deva (10)
- Angel, Planetar (16)
- Angel, Solar (21)
- Couatl (4)
- Demon, Balor (19)
- Demon, Dretch (1/4)
- Demon, Glabrezu (9)
- Demon, Hezrou (8)
- Demon, Marilith (16)
- Demon, Nalfeshnee (13)
- Demon, Vrock (6)
- Devil, Barbed (5)
- Devil, Bearded (3)
- Devil, Bone (9)
- Devil, Chain (8)
- Devil, Erinyes (12)
- Devil, Horned (11)
- Devil, Ice (14)
- Devil, Pit Fiend (20)
- Homunculus (0) – Telepathic Bond
- Kraken (23)
- Otyugh (5) – Limited Telepathy
- Pseudodragon (1/4) – Limited Telepathy
- Sahuagin (1/2) – Shark Telepathy
- Succubus/Incubus (4)
- Unicorn (5)
- Angel, Solar (21)
- Demon, Balor (19)
- Demon, Marilith (16)
- Demon, Nalfeshnee (13)
- Sphinx, Androsphinx (17)
- Sphinx, Gynosphinx (11)
- Unicorn (5)
- Roper (5) – Grasping Tendrils
Thunder Damage
- Genie, Djinni (11) – Scimitar
- Sphinx, Androsphinx (17) – Roar
Thunderwave (innate spell)
- Genie, Djinni (11)
Tongues (innate spell)
- Genie, Djinni (11)
- Genie, Efreeti (11)
- Ooze, Gelatinous Cube (2)
Tree Stride (innate spell)
- Dryad (1)
- Ankheg (2)
- Bulette (5)
- Elemental, Earth (5)
- Purple Worm (15)
- Remorhaz (11)
- Xorn (5)
True Seeing (innate spell)
- Rakshasa (13)
Truesight (innate spell)
- Angel, Planetar (16)
- Angel, Solar (21)
- Couatl (4)
- Demon, Balor (19)
- Demon, Glabrezu (9)
- Demon, Marilith (16)
- Demon, Nalfeshnee (13)
- Devil, Erinyes (12)
- Devil, Pit Fiend (20)
- Kraken (23)
- Lich (21)
- Sphinx, Androsphinx (17)
- Sphinx, Gynosphinx (11)
Turn Defiance/Resistance/Undead Fortitude
- Lich (21) – Turn Resistance
- Ghoul, Ghast (2) – Turn Resistance
- Zombie (1/4) – Undead Fortitude
- Zombie, Ogre (2) – Undead Fortitude
Vicious Mockery (Innate Spell)
- Hag, Green (3)
Water Breathing
- Aboleth (10) – Tentacle
- Giant, Storm (13)
Water Form
- Elemental, Water (5)
Weakening Effects
- Dragon, Gold, All (24/17/10/3) – Weakening Breath
- Shadow (1/2)
Web Related
- Drider (6) – Web Walker
- Ettercap (2) – Web, Web Sense, Web Walker
Wind Walk (Innate Spell)
- Genie, Djinni (11)
- Elemental, Water
- Ghost
- Ooze, Gray Ooze
- Ooze, Ochre Jelly
- Shadow
- Specter
- Will-o’-Wisp
- Wraith
Bludgeoning, Piercing
- Treant
Bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
- Angel, Deva
- Angel, Planetar
- Angel, Solar
- Demon, Balor
- Demon, Glabrezu
- Demon, Hezrou
- Demon, Marilith
- Demon, Nalfeshnee
- Demon, Quasit
- Demon, Vrock
- Elemental, Air
- Elemental, Earth
- Elemental, Fire
- Elemental, Water
- Ghost
- Grick
- Invisible Stalker
- Magmin
- Mummy
- Salamander
- Shadow
- Specter
- Sphinx, Gynosphinx
- Succubus/Incubus
- Vampire
- Vampire Spawn
- Will-o’-Wisp
Bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks not made with silvered weapons
- Devil, Horned
- Devil, Imp
- Hag, Night
Bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren’t adamantine:
- Gargoyle
Bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren’t silvered:
- Devil, Barbed
- Devil, Bearded
- Devil, Bone
- Devil, Chain
- Devil, Erinyes
- Devil, Ice
- Devil, Pit Fiend
- Wight
- Wraith
- Demon, Balor
- Demon, Dretch
- Demon, Glabrezu
- Demon, Hezrou
- Demon, Marilith
- Demon, Nalfeshnee
- Demon, Quasit
- Demon, Vrock
- Devil, Barbed
- Devil, Bearded
- Devil, Bone
- Devil, Chain
- Devil, Erinyes
- Devil, Horned
- Devil, Imp
- Devil, Lemure
- Devil, Pit Fiend
- Giant, Storm
- Hag, Night
- Lich
- Ooze, Gray Ooze
- Shadow
- Shambling Mound
- Specter
- Succubus/Incubus
- Will-o’-Wisp
- Wraith
- Demon, Dretch
- Demon, Glabrezu
- Demon, Hezrou
- Demon, Marilith
- Demon, Nalfeshnee
- Demon, Quasit
- Demon, Vrock
- Dragon Turtle
- Ghost
- Hag, Night
- Ooze, Gray Ooze
- Shadow
- Shambling Mound
- Specter
- Succubus/Incubus
- Will-o’-Wisp
- Wraith
- Demon, Balor
- Demon, Dretch
- Demon, Glabrezu
- Demon, Hezrou
- Demon, Marilith
- Demon, Nalfeshnee
- Demon, Quasit
- Demon, Vrock
- Elemental, Air
- Ghost
- Lich
- Shadow
- Specter
- Succubus/Incubus
- Wraith
- Ghoul, Ghast
- Lich
- Vampire
- Vampire Spawn
- Wight
- Will-o’-Wisp
Piercing and slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren’t adamantine:
- Xorn
- Duergar
- Succubus/Incubus
- Angel, Deva
- Angel, Planetar
- Angel, Solar
- Couatl
- Elemental, Air
- Ghost
- Shadow
- Specter
- Will-o’-Wisp
- Wraith
Damage Immunities
- Dragon, Black
- Dragon, Copper
- Golem, Clay
- Mimic, Ooze
- Black Pudding
Bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
- Couatl
- Kraken
- Lich
- Mummy Lord
- Rakshasa
- Sphinx, Androsphinx
- Tarrasque
Bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks not made with silvered weapons
- Lycanthrope, Werebear
- Lycanthrope, Wereboar
- Lycanthrope, Wererat
- Lycanthrope, Weretiger
- Lycanthrope, Werewolf
Bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren’t adamantine
- Golem, Clay
- Golem, Flesh
- Golem, Iron
- Golem, Stone
- Devil, Ice
- Dragon, White
- Dragon, Silver
- Ghost
- Giant, Frost
- Mephit, Ice
- Ooze, Black Pudding
- Remorhaz
- Azer
- Demon, Balor
- Devil, Barbed
- Devil, Bearded
- Devil, Bone
- Devil, Chain
- Devil, Erinyes
- Devil, Horned
- Devil, Ice
- Devil, Imp
- Devil, Lemure
- Devil, Pit Fiend
- Dragon, Red
- Dragon, Brass
- Dragon, Gold
- Elemental, Fire
- Genie, Efreeti
- Giant, Fire
- Golem, Iron
- Hell Hound
- Magmin, Mephit
- Magma, Mephit
- Steam, Nightmare
- Remorhaz
- Salamander
- Tarrasque
- Behir
- Dragon, Blue
- Dragon, Bronze
- Genie, Djinni
- Giant, Storm
- Golem, Flesh
- Kraken
- Ooze, Black Pudding
- Ooze, Ochre Jelly
- Shambling Mound
- Will-o’-Wisp
- Angel, Solar
- Ghost
- Mummy
- Mummy Lord
- Shadow
- Specter
- Wraith
- Angel, Solar
- Animated Object, Animated Armor
- Animated Object, Flying Sword
- Animated Object, Rug of Smothering
- Azer
- Chuul
- Demon, Balor
- Demon, Dretch
- Demon, Glabrezu
- Demon, Hezrou
- Demon, Marilith
- Demon, Nalfeshnee
- Demon, Quasit
- Demon, Vrock
- Devil, Barbed
- Devil, Bearded
- Devil, Bone
- Devil, Chain
- Devil, Erinyes
- Devil, Horned
- Devil, Ice
- Devil, Imp
- Devil, Lemure
- Devil, Pit Fiend
- Dragon, Green
- Elemental, Air
- Elemental, Earth
- Elemental, Fire
- Elemental, Water
- Gargoyle
- Ghost
- Ghoul, Ghast
- Ghoul
- Golem, Clay
- Golem, Flesh
- Golem, Iron
- Golem, Stone
- Homunculus
- Invisible Stalker
- Lich
- Mephit, Dust
- Mephit, Ice
- Mephit, Magma
- Mephit, Steam
- Mummy
- Mummy Lord
- Naga, Guardian
- Naga, Spirit
- Shadow
- Shield Guardian
- Skeleton
- Skeleton, Minotaur
- Skeleton, Warhorse
- Specter
- Tarrasque
- Unicorn
- Wight
- Will-o’-Wisp
- Wraith
- Zombie
- Zombie, Ogre
- Animated Object, Animated Armor
- Animated Object, Flying Sword
- Animated Object, Rug of Smothering
- Couatl
- Golem, Clay
- Golem, Iron
- Golem, Stone
- Sphinx, Androsphinx
- Sphinx, Gynosphinx
- Ooze, Black Pudding
- Ooze, Ochre Jelly
- Genie, Djinni
- Giant, Storm
Condition Immunities
- Animated Object, Animated Armor
- Animated Object, Flying Sword
- Animated Object, Rug of Smothering
- Fungi, Shrieker
- Fungi, Violet Fungus
- Grimlock
- Ooze, Black Pudding
- Ooze, Gelatinous Cube
- Ooze, Gray Ooze
- Ooze, Ochre Jelly
- Shambling Mound
- Angel, Deva
- Angel, Planetar
- Angel, Solar
- Animated Object, Animated Armor
- Animated Object, Flying Sword
- Animated Object, Rug of Smothering
- Devil, Lemure
- Doppelganger
- Ghost
- Ghoul, Ghast
- Ghoul
- Golem, Clay
- Golem, Flesh
- Golem, Iron
- Golem, Stone
- Hag, Night
- Homunculus
- Lich
- Mummy
- Mummy Lord
- Naga, Guardian
- Naga, Spirit
- Ooze, Black Pudding
- Ooze, Gelatinous Cube
- Ooze, Gray Ooze
- Ooze, Ochre Jelly
- Shield Guardian
- Specter
- Sphinx, Androsphinx
- Sphinx, Gynosphinx
- Tarrasque
- Unicorn
- Wraith
- Animated Object, Animated Armor
- Animated Object, Flying Sword
- Animated Object, Rug of Smothering
- Fungi, Shrieker
- Fungi, Violet Fungus
- Ooze, Black Pudding
- Ooze, Gelatinous Cube
- Ooze, Gray Ooze
- Ooze, Ochre Jelly
- Shambling Mound
- Angel, Deva
- Angel, Planetar
- Angel, Solar
- Animated Object, Animated Armor
- Elemental, Air
- Elemental, Earth
- Elemental, Fire
- Elemental, Water
- Gargoyle
- Ghost
- Ghoul, Ghast
- Ghoul
- Golem, Clay
- Golem, Flesh
- Golem, Iron
- Golem, Stone
- Invisible Stalker
- Lich
- Mummy
- Mummy Lord
- Ooze, Black Pudding
- Ooze, Gelatinous Cube
- Ooze, Gray Ooze
- Ooze, Ochre Jelly
- Shadow
- Shambling Mound
- Shield Guardian
- Skeleton
- Skeleton, Minotaur
- Skeleton, Warhorse
- Specter
- Wight
- Will-o’-Wisp
- Wraith
- Angel, Deva
- Angel, Planetar
- Angel, Solar
- Animated Object, Animated Armor
- Animated Object, Flying Sword
- Animated Object, Rug of Smothering
- Devil, Lemure
- Fungi, Shrieker
- Fungi, Violet Fungus
- Ghost
- Golem, Clay
- Golem, Flesh
- Golem, Iron
- Golem, Stone
- Kraken
- Lich
- Mummy
- Mummy Lord
- Ooze, Black Pudding
- Ooze, Gelatinous Cube
- Ooze, Gray Ooze
- Ooze, Ochre Jelly
- Shadow, Shield Guardian
- Sphinx, Androsphinx
- Sphinx, Gynosphinx
- Tarrasque
- Elemental, Air
- Elemental, Fire
- Elemental, Water
- Ghost
- Invisible Stalker
- Shadow
- Specter
- Will-o’-Wisp
- Wraith
- Animated Object, Animated Armor
- Animated Object, Flying Sword
- Animated Object, Rug of Smothering
- Elemental, Air
- Elemental, Earth
- Elemental, Fire
- Elemental, Water
- Ghost
- Golem, Clay
- Golem, Flesh
- Golem, Iron
- Golem, Stone
- Invisible Stalker
- Kraken
- Lich
- Mummy
- Mummy Lord
- Shadow
- Shield Guardian
- Specter
- Tarrasque
- Unicorn
- Will-o’-Wisp
- Wraith
- Animated Object, Animated Armor
- Animated Object, Flying Sword
- Animated Object, Rug of Smothering
- Elemental, Air
- Elemental, Earth
- Elemental, Fire
- Elemental, Water
- Gargoyle
- Ghost
- Golem, Clay
- Golem, Flesh
- Golem, Iron
- Golem, Stone
- Gorgon
- Invisible Stalker
- Shadow
- Specter
- Wraith
- Angel, Solar
- Animated Object, Animated Armor
- Animated Object, Flying Sword
- Animated Object, Rug of Smothering
- Azer
- Chuul
- Demon, Balor
- Demon, Dretch
- Demon, Glabrezu
- Demon, Hezrou
- Demon, Marilith
- Demon, Nalfeshnee
- Demon, Quasit
- Demon, Vrock
- Devil, Barbed
- Devil, Bearded
- Devil, Bone
- Devil, Chain
- Devil, Erinyes
- Devil, Horned
- Devil, Ice
- Devil, Imp
- Devil, Lemure
- Devil, Pit Fiend
- Dragon, Green
- Elemental, Air
- Elemental, Earth
- Elemental, Fire
- Elemental, Water
- Gargoyle
- Ghost
- Ghoul, Ghast
- Ghoul
- Golem, Clay
- Golem, Flesh
- Golem, Iron
- Golem, Stone
- Homunculus
- Invisible Stalker
- Lich
- Mephit, Dust
- Mephit, Ice
- Mephit, Magma
- Mephit, Steam
- Mummy
- Mummy Lord
- Naga, Guardian
- Naga, Spirit
- Shadow
- Shield Guardian
- Skeleton
- Skeleton, Minotaur
- Skeleton, Warhorse
- Specter
- Tarrasque
- Unicorn
- Wight
- Will-o’-Wisp
- Wraith
- Zombie
- Zombie, Ogre
- Elemental, Air
- Elemental, Fire
- Elemental, Water
- Ghost
- Gibbering Mouther
- Invisible Stalker
- Mimic
- Ooze, Black Pudding
- Ooze, Gelatinous Cube
- Ooze, Gray Ooze
- Ooze, Ochre Jelly
- Shadow
- Specter
- Will-o’-Wisp
- Wraith
- Elemental, Air
- Elemental, Fire
- Elemental, Water
- Ghost
- Invisible Stalker
- Shadow
- Specter
- Will-o’-Wisp
- Wraith
- Elemental, Air
- Elemental, Earth
- Elemental, Fire
- Elemental, Water
- Invisible Stalker
- Specter
- Will-o’-Wisp