NPC Portraits Decks

Our NPC Portraits Decks each feature over 50 fantasy characters where each card has a portrait on one side and the back has minimal system neutral style stats, personality and background for the character.
- Need a quick Non-Player Character picture & background & personality because the players want to interact more with a character? Our NPC Portraits Deck has over 50 characters each. Of course you’re free to adjust the NPC’s info to fit the situation.
- Doing a one-shot and don’t want to take time to generate characters? Use the NPC Portraits Deck characters to get you started.
- Every character is designed to have a couple of interesting story hooks. Each of these can lead to further adventures!
Get a sample PDF from our store.
So far, we’ve made nine of these decks spanning different subjects. Our most recent five feature better, more consistent art, but all have the same great writing by Andrew Shields: Adventurers; Coastal Townsfolk; Frontier Townsfolk; Henchmen & Hirelings, & Animals. Our original four decks have some great art too, but some is quite varied: Fantasy 1, Fantasy 2, Monsters, & Science Fiction.
These cards are available as PDF and as print-on-demand cards through our Store as well as DriveThruRPG. You can also get them via Amazon (search “NPC Portraits Deck”) but they won’t come with the PDF version.
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