Magic Item Card Catalog


5th edition magic items on trading cards!  These reference items help keep track of who has which magic items, make looking up the item’s rules easy.  They also have great art that players can’t easily recognize (which can lead to less meta-gaming). Each physical deck includes a PDF to print extras or to share art during on-line games. A second PDF also included of each deck will have one-sided index card versions (which you can print 4 per page) of each item for easier printing.

They will be released in early 2018, but join our mailing list to learn exactly when they are available! (Scroll to the bottom of the right sidebar.)

* The cards cover all the 5th edition magical items we can legally republish. (We are using the System Reference Document (aka SRD) which allows us to publish all but 23 of the official core book items.)

Each deck has 54 magic items, including several duplicates of more common items where space allows. The magic items are broken into card decks based on magic item type:

  • Deck 1 – Rods, Staves, Wands, & Scrolls.  (Scrolls will have lined backs for you to write in specific spells. Write on top of photo-safe tape placed on the card first to re-use the card.)
  • Deck 2 – Rings and Potions.
  • Deck 3 – Armor & Weapons – at least one of each type of armor and weapon with lined backs so you can write in what it is specifically. Is it a long sword +1, or a luck blade, or vorpal, etc.
  • Deck 4 – Wondrous Item Instruments & Jewelry.
  • Deck 5 – Wondrous Item Books, Clothing, & Containers.
  • Deck 6 – All Other Wondrous Items.
  • Deck 7 (Unlocked Stretch Goal!) – Specific Armor covering almost all the specific magical armors such as mithral chain mail, demon armor, etc. (This was a deck of specific Armor & Weapons, but unlocking deck 8 split it into separate decks.)
  • Deck 8 (Unlocked Stretch Goal!) – Specific Weapons covering almost all the specific magical weapons suck as a dagger of venom, longsword luck blade, etc.
  • Deck 9 (Unlocked Stretch Goal) – A deck of the more popular/typical items from the decks above:. Bracers of Defense, Potion of Healing, Rope of Climbing, Scrolls, etc. Yes, we’re unlocking this deck early. 🙂