New Sidequest & NPC Decks (& Sample PDFs)!


Fantasy Sidequet & NPC Decks KickstarterFour new Sidequest Decks and four new NPC Portraits Decks are launching on Kickstarter August 28. Please follow the project via this link to be email when the project launches!

There will be four themes, with one Sidequest Deck & one NPC deck per theme.  Getting a Sidequest Deck and the matching NPC deck will have extra synergy together, but you don’t need both.

For our Sidequest Decks, every card is a mini-adventure: the main map on one side and an outline (GM background info, story hooks, encounter ideas, & follow-up possibilities) on the other side. In our NPC Portraits Decks, each card is a character with a portrait on one side and that character’s personality & background on the back.

Note all our previews have two more rounds of editing to go.

Tavern Quests/Staff & Patrons

Tavern NPC & Sidequest Decks
Tavern NPC & Sidequest Decks (Art not final).

This NPC deck will have staff and patrons for inns and taverns. The Sidequest deck will feature many adventures set in taverns and inns as well as quests that start or end at an inn but take the PCs to other locations. Here is a free sample Sidequest Deck PDF and a free sample NPC Portraits Deck PDF!

Castle Quests/Nobles & Staff

Castle NPC & Sidequest Decks (Art not final).
Castle NPC & Sidequest Decks (Art not final).

Our Castle NPC deck will feature many lords, ladies, & staff of a castle or manor house. The Sidequest deck will feature many adventures set in a castle or keep as well as quests that start or end in one but take the PCs to other locations. These links are free sample Sidequest Deck PDF and a free sample NPC Portraits Deck PDF.

Desert Outpost Quests/Townsfolk

Desert Outpost NPC & Sidequest Decks (Art not final).
Desert Outpost NPC & Sidequest Decks (Art not final).

The Desert Outpost NPC deck will feature many townsfolk of a small town or fort set in (or at the edge) of a desert.  The Sidequest Deck has adventure ideas set in the desert or outpost. Here is a Desert Sidequest deck sample PDF and here is the matching NPC deck sample PDF.

Mini-Lairs/Lair-Related NPCs

Mini-Lairs NPC & Sidequest Decks (Art not final).
Mini-Lairs NPC & Sidequest Decks (Art not final).

And last but definitely not least are our Mini-Lair Sidequests & Lair-Related NPCs.  (We’re still playing with the titles of these decks.) Here is the sample Sidequest Deck PDF, and here is the NPC Portraits Deck sample PDF. For these Sidequest cards, each card’s mini-lair loosely follows the “5 Room Dungeon” concept–but it might be better to call it “5 Challenge Lairs” where the quest has a social challenge, likely combat encounter, puzzle or riddle, treasure, & twist.  Some may have one of each type, others may have an extra of one or two challenge types & none of others. The matching NPC deck has a key foe or perhaps even an ally from the quest–again one deck isn’t necessary for the other, but having both results in some synergy.