Hexographer Reviewed by BlackGate Magazine

M Harold Page put together a detailed review of Hexographer for Black Gate magazine.  Here is a snippet:

Assuming that the resulting maps look good enough to be inspiring, the basic requirement of a cartographical creativity aid is that it should be as easy-to-use as a word processor. We want to work “in flow,” creating and revising without fiddling about or needing to stop off to swear at the interface and trawl a badly written user manual.

Though it has one or two eccentricities, Hexographer easily passes both these tests. The maps look nice, and after an hour of tinkering, I was scrawling away merrily, creating continents and islands and peopling them with my imagination. It was like being six years old, making a castle-strewn landscape on the beach.


From the writer/GM perspective, if Hexographer is not quite the Holy Grail — to achieve that status, it would need to specifically handle spherical worlds — it has the advantage of actually existing and being extremely good value for the money. (You can also try it out for free.)

However, it reminds me a bit of the early versions of Scrivener for Windows; there’s a lot of room for enhancement and a sense that this will come. However, as it stands, it’s a really good — what did I call it? — Cartographical Creativity Aid and great fun to use. It’s certainly what I’m using to world build for my next Fantasy novel…

See the full review here.