More Sidequest Decks Now Available

We now have Sidequest Decks: Arcane Academy and Horror Fantasy available on our store, DriveThru/RPGNow, and Amazon.  Below are short summaries of each:

Arcane Academy: Whether you have a campaign of youngsters studying at the world’s premiere mage school, or a wizard or two in your party needs to visit a library or mentor for advice, or a mage must pass a sorcery test before progressing, this sidequest deck has multiple mini adventures that fit your needs!

Horror Fantasy: Looking for fantasy adventure ideas with a touch of necromancy or a dab of grave dirt? Try Sidequest Decks: Horror Fantasy. Each card is a dynamic adventure!

The cards in each deck are used in similar ways.  Draw a card for an adventure outline. The outline includes backstory, ways to get the PCs involved, encounter possibilities, and follow-up ideas. The other side of the card is the most important map for that adventure. Use maps from other cards as needed.

SideQuest Decks are perfect for stocking a hex crawl or developing a side trek on the fly. You may even chain several together for an entire campaign!

Sidequest Decks: Arcane Academy preview: 11 In The Castle
Sidequest Decks: Arcane Academy preview: 11 In The Castle
SideQuest Decks: Horror Fantasy #45 Undeath
SideQuest Decks: Horror Fantasy #45 Undeath