Mirroring the Roleplaying City Map Generator Application

A few months back I saw the Roleplaying City Map Generator mentioned on a forum, but the website hosting the application seemed to have disappeared.  Fortunately someone found a copy of the website (and the application) using the internet wayback machine which periodically archives websites of note.

That forum thread lead me to write my random dungeon generator reviews and was an early inspiration to me for the Hexographer application I’m writing.

Because the Roleplaying City Map Generator is noted as 100% Freeware, I’m hosting the download file on a page here at Inkwell Ideas.  The only two drawbacks to the application are: it only runs on Windows, and the source code isn’t available for someone to pick up where it was left off.  (And if it is being actively improved by someone, please post.)

3 Comments on “Mirroring the Roleplaying City Map Generator Application

  1. I too have checked this generator out. I has a lot of potential. I few tweeks and it could be very good! I hope someone fixes it.

  2. hmm……..it should be upgraded to be like the dungeon making software on this site………you should be able to make a map with this or at least make that software like being able to place squares and label them house, tavern, castle, barracks, armory, and things like towers walls and gates! there is ABSOLUTELY nothing like that ANYWHERE ELSE!

  3. Thanks… and maybe I will get to something like that. But in case it wasn’t clear, I’m just hosting the installer for this program because the programmer said anyone could do so and it seemed like a good resource. I didn’t have anything to do with creating it.

    But you can check out this one: http://www.inkwellideas.com/roleplaying_tools/random_city/

    I did do this one, although it is still not similar to the dungeon program I created.