Mantling, Helms, and Supporters Added to the Coat of Arms Design Studio
My Coat of Arms Design Studio software (which has a free version, naturally) has gained about 50 new charges. Charges are creatures or symbols placed on the shield in a coat of arms. The paid/pro version has also been given a bunch of extra functionality which allows you to add supporters (the creatures that hold the shield in some achievements), helms above the shield and mantling (decorative ivy or cloth above and/or beside the shield.)
The new charges are mostly non-creatures such as leaves, a key, bells, buckles and weapons. But a crane and cockatrice were added and several other creature charges were revised with better graphics. The software already had 100 creature charges.
Five helm styles are available for placement above the shield. There are ivy and cloth mantling options in short and long styles. Any creature charge may be a supporter, but of course those creatures in the “rampant” position are best suited as charges. The software already had space for a name or motto to be placed on a banner under the shield.
Below are two examples which you may click to enlarge.

That is really cool. I will have to give that a try.