Wizard’s Study/Library Book Titles Table 4

About a week ago I put together 3 tables to generate book titles when the party is going through a library or wizard’s study.  Here’s a 4th.  (Simple roll a d4 for which chart to use per book.)  As before, please do substitute names with those from your setting as appropriate.
Table 4: Book studies a type of creature. Roll a d12 for each column.

# Subject Country Family/Name
1 Heraldry of the  _____ Empire of King _____ Alazell Branson
2 Lineage of the _____ Family of _____ Dorlex Durcik
3 Lineage & History of _____’s _____ Figgurna Frinck
4 _____’s Arms Gorsune Hilsan
5 Symbolism in the Poetry of King ____’s _____ Jellany Kellri
6 Analyses of King ____ of _____’s Writings Marasia Nelson
7 Birth to Death: History of King _____ of ____ Orphanga Osric
8 Religious Implications of King _____’s Rule of _____ Prinlon Rignor
9 Sigils of House _____ of _____ Respranda Thistleborn
10 Great Houses of _____ During the Rule of _____ Xaxenstein Valentis
11 Essays of King _____ of _____ Zarulia Windell
12 Roll twice (ex: 8 & 6: Analyses & Religious Implications of King _____ of _____’s Writings) Roll twice Roll twice