Coat of Arms Design Studio Recent Updates

The Coat of Arms Design Studio by Inkwell Ideas has received a few recent updates:

  • 20 new symbols have been added.  These were added in two sets of 10 each.
  • The graphics library has been replaced with something much smaller.  The result is the same quality and features, but there are 3 fewer megabytes to download in both the free and pro versions.

More details are listed on the linked site, but if you haven’t seen or heard about it the Coat of Arms Design Studio:

  • It is a Java software program, which runs on most operating systems.  (You may need to install update java first.)
  • The free version of the program runs in your web browser.  It has over 200 built in creature and symbol charges.  It also has a slew of ordinaries (simple designs such as a band across the shield) and can handle many divisions (dividing the shield into multiple sections.)  Furthermore, each division can be treated separately and given its own charges, ordinaries, and even child sub-divisions.
  • The pro version ($20) does all of the above plus you can install it on your computer and run it off-line, include custom graphics, and add supporters and mantling (creatures and decorations to the side and above the shield.)