Geomorph Map Contest Winner & Next Contest Announced!
Our winner of the “Mini-maps” edition of our Geomorph Map Contest is Thaumiel Nerub of for the Lost Caverns design:
Many of our entries had an interesting aspect to them. These designs have a very polished, yet hand-drawn style, and each design does something different/extra: one is like a mini-maze, another plays with elevation, etc. Congratulations Thaumiel! We’ll have your prizes out to you in the next day or two.
Next Contest
The next special ingredient is buildings. Your design must include at least two buildings. It may be a small village, or a city with many buildings or an underground cavern with buildings. We made city & village (as well as ruins) dice & cards recently (you may want to look at the cards product in particular.)
Entries are due at 3am US Eastern time on technically November 2nd. (Which is late, late Sunday night/early Monday morning depending on your time zone.)
- Create a map that if it were gridded would be a 10×10 grid where there are corridors leading off from the 3rd and eighth square of each side.
- You can use whatever art style you’d like: color, black and white, line art, realistic art, and everything in between. The map can have an underlying grid or not. Style/artistic-ness counts for a lot, but so does an innovative, interesting design. The winner will likely have a nice style and be innovative.
- The images should be a standard image format (png, jpg, gif) and at least 250×250 pixels, but you can make them larger, within reason. (If you happen to be doing a 3000×3000+ pixel battlemat version that’s fine, but send us something under 1000×1000.)
- Email it to joe at inkwellideas dot com with a subject “Geomorph Contest.” Create your filename as explained below.
- Feel free to share the maps however else you want. Please add a link to the current contest’s blog post (for the first week, this page) and/or if on social media add the hashtag “#GeomorphMapContest.”
- The winner will be announced a couple days after the contest ends. We’re still working out the process to choose a winner. More on that in the next contest update.
- Anyone is welcome to enter whether you’ve had maps published or you’re just starting out.
- You may enter up to three designs. Each design must have a shrine element or theme.
- Use one of the licenses noted below.
- Submit your entry with a filename as described below. It helps us keep track of all needed info.
Here are the licenses you may use for entries to the contest:
- Creative Commons Public Domain (abbreviated: cc-pd0)
- Creative Commons Attribution (cc-by-4)
- Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (cc-by-nc-4)
- Creative Commons Attribution Share-alike (cc-by-sa-4)
- All rights reserved (all-rights-reserved): Meaning you want to keep all copyright, but you’ll let us use it as part of the contest only.
All creative commons licenses we’re using are version 4 (hence adding -4 to the abbreviated key names above.)
While you’re free to give the file any name you want for your purposes, when you send it, please use the following filename format:
If you don’t want to name your map, just use the secret ingredient for the contest in place of the name. The website is optional, but some folks want their website mentioned, and I’m happy to do that. To make that work though, drop the “http://” and convert any punctuation to another underscore. Use the abbreviated license names noted above. For example:
shrine__george_p_burdell__www_facebook_com_burdell__all-rights-reserved.png (if your website is
I know that makes for a long name, but it gives me all the needed info in the filename. Furthermore it makes it easy for anyone else reusing the tiles to keep track of your requirements for reuse.
The winner gets a free electronic copy of Chubby Monster Games’ Moleskin Maps and a set of our DungeonMorph Dice. We’ll even pay for shipping. Yes, even outside the US to Europe. Canada too… up to $20.
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