January’s Dungeon Battlemat Patreon Graphics

Contact Sheet of January's Dungeonographer Patreon graphics.  Click to Enlarge.
Contact Sheet of January’s Dungeonographer Patreon graphics. Click to Enlarge.

We’re well into January…   that means it is time to start posting thumbnails/contact sheets of our upcoming Patreon icons.  These are new map icons & graphics for our Patreon project which will expand the graphics available for our software tools Hexographer, Dungeonographer, Cityographer, and the Coat of Arms Design Studio. But the icons are transparent PNGs which should import into most image/map editors. They are sized so 300 pixels = a 5′ area, which is perfect fro 300dpi battlemats where 1″ = 5′.

To show you what you’ll get, we’re posting thumbnails/contact sheets of the icons for each program. The month’s full set will have 15+ icons for Hexographer, 15+ for Dungeonographer, 15+ for Cityographer and 15+ for the Coat of Arms Design Studio. Plus, some icons can be used in multiple tools. Support the project for as little as $1.50!

Today’s thumbnails are for the Dungeonographer icons we’ll release at the end of this month.

Join the Patreon to get them! Click the image for the full size version of the contact sheet, but note that the images on the contact sheet are half the size of the final graphics.