Dungeon Oddities: Arcane Portal

Cavern Arch by Dean Spencer
Cavern Arch by Dean Spencer

Here is the third in our series of weird things to find in a dungeon/cavern/ruins. Each can have strange effects on any encounter there.

Arcane Portal

Energy, Prison, Teleport

Runes and magical energy cover a doorway. Possible effects: (Roll a d8 or choose):

  1. Barrier: Are the PCs locked inside or out? Or is something else locked inside? Does the barrier run through the walls, floor, and ceiling?
  2. Teleport: Anyone who walks through appears at a similar doorway elsewhere in the complex, realm, world, or perhaps even on another world or plane.
  3. Alter Subject: As with teleport, but the subject is also altered in some way (becomes amphibious, has horns added, etc.) to fit in with the people on the other side.
  4. Trapped Energy Being: The magic field is locking an energy being in place. Was it wrongfully trapped? If it is evil, can the PCs be tricked or accidentally let it out?
  5. Trapped Teleport: Works as Teleport above, but only if a the correct command word is spoken. Otherwise it shocks the would be traveler instead or teleports them to a prison.
  6. Viewscreen: Anyone looking at the viewscreen can see another location, world, or plane. The view may be automated or the viewer may be able to direct it via nearby controls or verbal or somatic commands.
  7. Security Checkpoint: The magic removes weapons (and optionally many spell components for offensive spells) from anyone who passes through the portal. The items are restored when the same person crosses back.
  8. Healing Area: It isn’t the portal that is magical—the interior of the room itself is. Those who rest there are cured of diseases or curses or other conditions.