Welcome to the new home of the Coat of Arms Visual Designer

An example coat of arms design created with the Coat of Arms Visual Designer software.

An example coat of arms design created with the Coat of Arms Visual Designer software.

This site should serve as the new home of the Coat of Arms Visual Designer web-based software. (If anyone has a better name suggestion, please contact me!)

That reminds me of the primary reason for the move: it should be easier to interact.  The blogging software is a better fit for the future of the design software and the web site around it.  The blogging software is a little easier for people to add comments.  The old site with the wiki software had this ability too, but it was turned off because I was more worried about that software’s security.

The blogging software also makes it easier for me to add posts in a time oriented way.  For example, I plan a weekly post where I’ll walk through creating a coat of arms design step by step as a “how to.”  Finally, the blogging software is a lot easier for me to keep updated.

Currently, the content from the old site is about 90% moved over to here.  Most of the other 10% is tedious or needs updating.  (Probably 10% of what has been moved over needs updating too.) I’ll get to updating those pages, but I want to focus on the next version of the software which may be ready any day now.

In case you’ve missed the links to the design software,  look for the “Design Software” tab near the top of the page or use this link.  Don’t forget to look over the instructions first.


Welcome to the new home of the Coat of Arms Visual Designer — 1 Comment

  1. I really like this site for creating a coat of arms. I love that it’s free to actually create the coat of arms; with an option to purchase merchandise instead of a requirement for creating it. That’s gonna make me want to purchase from this site more than any other all on it’s own. I really enjoy the choices for creatures, symbols, divisions, and colors. I would like to see an addition of helmets, crests, supporters, and some missing creatures and symbols; I would also rather like the motto atop and a name slot below the shield, but even so this site still has much more to offer than any other so I’m not knocking it for what it doesn’t have. The fact that I can actually list the few things that it doesn’t have is a testament to how much it DOES offer. So, I would just like to thank the creators of this site for putting in all of the hard work!