Villain Calling Cards Chart/Ideas List

Yesterday we linked to a great list of  ways to make your villain stand out. #8 on that list mentioned the villain using “calling cards” aka objects or actions that let everyone know this particular villain did the deed.  To help develop a calling card or two, below is a list of ideas.  And to keep things fun in case you want to go random plus get more use of a d12, we put them in the form of a chart for a d12.

If you’re looking for more random charts, jump to the links below this chart.

Instructions: Roll for a calling card in the first column and if instructed roll again in another column.

Roll Calling Card Symbols Flower Types Body Part Coin Trinkets
1 Card (roll symbol) Clubs Rose Ear Current coin of the realm Wood carved animal
2 Symbol (roll symbol) carved into victim’s flesh Diamond Daisy Nose Current coin of adjacent country Minor gemstone
3 Tattooed symbol on victim (roll symbol) Heart Lily Eye Current coin from far-off country Decorative weapon
4 Flower (rose, daisy, lily, etc.) Spade Azalea Heart Prior ruler’s coin of the realm Cigar/pipe
5 Flower petals (rose, daisy, lily, etc.) Air Buttercup Toe Prior ruler’s coin from adjacent country Monogrammed handkerchief
6 Insect Earth Daffodil Scalp Prior ruler’s coin from far-off country Deck of playing or tarot cards, one/some missing
7 Part of a map or puzzle or formula, usually on parchment/paper near the body Fire Foxglove Thumb Ancient coin from empire that was in the area Sketch of victim
8 Slogan/Riddle Water Iris Index Finger Ancient coin from far away empire Ring
9 Removal of a body part (roll body part) Justice Opium Ring Finger Coin from another world, dimension, plane, and/or future time period. A die
10 Body defaced in another way Revenge Wisteria Pinky Finger The villain’s own, self-minted coin Stuffed animal/doll
11 Coin (roll coin) Treachery Adonis Hand Counterfeit coin, roll again for specifics but ignore 10-12 Defaced holy symbol
12 Trinket (roll for trinket) Truth Bloodflower Entire Head Defaced coin, roll again for specifics, but ignore but ignore 10-12 Preserved body part from prior victim, same body part is missing from this victim.

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