Mini map all Black

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    Hey I just downloaded Worldograher and when I generate a new map the mini map displays and looks fine for a split second before the entire thing goes black and I cannot see anything. If I zoom out the picture starts to show. It almost looks like the grid on the mini map is too thick and it is covering everything.

    Any advice?


    Are you saying the mini-map goes black or the whole/main map goes black? I think you mean the latter, so if you hit the refresh button next to the mini-map does it then show correctly?


    The mini-map at the top right goes all black and hitting refresh does not seem to do anything.


    I have this same issue on my Mac laptop, which has only a 13″ screen. Try this: On the “View Options” drawer uncheck “Show Grid” and “Show Numbering”. That’s what I do.


    Yeah, I can’t really repeat this, but maybe it is the text. I know the isometric icons don’t have background colors, so you may get a grey & blue mini-map from that, but I’m not sure what could cause it to be all black.

    What machine do you have? If windows, are you using that build or the java one?


    @BenjaminBowen That got the mini map to appear! Thanks Ben.

    I am using windows 7 64 bit and with the windows installer.


    My pleasure, Noble!

    I think the issue is monitor resolution. It occurs on my 13″ Macbook regardless of the level (World, Continent, or Kingdom). It happens on my Win10 desktop at Continent or Kingdom level because of the number of hexes and numbers.

    You can also try changing the line-width of the grids under the Show Grid gear. If I change it to “.5” the mini-map isn’t all black, but it looks like I’m looking at it through a screen door. I usually just keep the grid and numbers unchecked unless I need them for short-term reference on the main map. As soon as I’m done, I uncheck them again.


    I have the same issue on a 4K monitor. Turning off the grid resolves the issue. I would suggest that the mini map should not show the grid irrespective of whether the grid is displayed on the main map or not.


    I must agree with Iyandriel, there should be an option to turn off the grid independently on the minimap. I’m having the same problem on my 4k screen. Fixed it a little by turning off the text, but I don’t feel like I should have to choose to not use a feature of the program just to make another essential part work correctly.


    It wasn’t supposed to use the lines/numbers in the mini-map. Sorry! This was a side effect from a recent change (layers) that didn’t show up in my testing. Yesterday’s update should have a fix for it.


    Ok, I didn’t know there was an update. I’ll try it and see.

    My apologies if my comment was taken harshly. That wasn’t my intention.


    No worries, I didn’t read anything negative other than “hey, this should be fixed”. I take any feedback in the best possible light and I hope that usually comes across.


    Awesome! Thanks Joe.


    Thanks indeed! The new version works great.

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